Oregon white oak
The Oregon white
oak, quercus garryana, is very common in our area.
Our land is covered by their unique semi-grassland
savannas. Sometimes I wonder if these trees don’t
just spring up full grown because you seldom see
young oaks. I think that just about everything wants
to eat them. In the October, usually about the time
of our first rains, we collect our acorns as they
fall to the ground below their mothers. The Oregon
white oak fruits every other year - last year we had
no acorns at all. I expect a bumper acorn harvest
this fall given the manifest spring flowering we
have seen throughout our oak woods. Our acorns
sprouted their roots immediately - for us, it was
plant or die. The plants adapted well to their
planting, sending out a large tap root - the oak
characteristically puts out a long tap root quickly
to help it survive the dry summer. In fact, you risk
disease if you water too extensively during the
We air-pruned ours in order to try to encourage
lateral root growth around this tap root. Our Oregon
white oak mothers grow in a rocky/clay soil, in our
moderate zone 7-9 area. Your oaks will do their very
best if they come from an area similar to yours. We
have only a few winter freezes.
Keep them moist after you plant and while they are
young - but let the soil dry so their roots grow
down. And keeping the weeds down really helps.
Beware pests - deer, bears, squirrels, mice,
rabbits, foxes, raccoons, turkeys, quail, blue jays
and woodpeckers will eat your young oak all up.
Protect your seedling and young trees with wire
screen cages until the trees are four feet tall. Do
not underestimate how much these animals want to eat
your new oak.
Now, be patient.
After a year or
three, you might plant them out in the fall with
some protection - thick plastic webbing wrapped
around the trunk works well. Water well if the
ground is dry. You could also try a "bonsai" pot
planting - they look real cute.