Bloodgood japanese maples

What ever you may think, having plants around you can make a difference in your life. Doesn’t everyone love Japanese maples? And with their elegant shape and gorgeous, and seasonally changing, colors, who wouldn’t? Red, orange, yellow, the leaves stand out in the Fall…
The Bloodgood cultivar of the Japanese Maple (acer palmatum atropurpureum) is an attractive tree, known for its color, personality and hardiness. The purplish to red of this cultivar shades to green in late summer and bright red for fall color - the tree holds its color all summer. It is a deciduous tree that presents an attractive silhouette in the winter.
Our Bloodgood Red Japanese Maple cultivar specimens are just beautiful.
Plant it in a protected location outdoors
- it will do well in a container. Shelter the tree from both the
drying winds and the direct sun - the sun can scald the leaves.
Although it is a slow grower, it can still, left to itself, grow
to 15 or 20 feet, so be careful with placement - in a pot, keep it
trimmed. Partial shade and moist soil may be best for this one,
especially for a potted Bloodgood. Hardy down to 20 degrees F, but
we suggest bringing any potted trees indoors when the weather
turns cold. The early spring frosts can nip the early spring leaf
of the bloodgood Japanese maple.
The trunks are slim and graceful and show well when they are
backlit. Landscaping decisions are easy with this beautiful
specimen. You can use it in a border; on a deck or patio; as a
bonsai (for the adventurous) or as a specimen planting (either
alone or in a grouping).
Basic care -
Hardiness zones 5-8
Containers need a well drained soil mix. But not much care. Like
most plants, soggy soil is a no-no, but don’t let these cuties go
dry - they need consistent moisture to prosper. And don’t over
fertilize; especially the variegated cultivars. Be very careful
when pruning. In winter, take a few cuts and then wait til the
season shows you what to do next - you want to focus attention on
the natural structure of the branches. Be patient.
Milewide Nursery has one year old/$12.95 to five year old/$125.00 bloodgood red japanese maple specimens for sale. Buy small to save money or invest a little more for a larger plant that is ready to take off in your garden landscape.
us at or call 707.498.9433
for a price & shipping quote